Valorant: The Remake Dilemma – Why Won’t People Remake When They Can?

Discover the frustration of players in Valorant who struggle to get their team to remake, despite having an AFK teammate. Why won't they vote for a remake?

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Valorant players face a common dilemma when it comes to remaking games with AFK teammates. The frustration is real, and the baffling reasons behind not remaking can leave players scratching their heads


  • Understanding how to initiate a remake is a struggle for new players.
  • Some players confuse remakes with surrenders, impacting their decision-making.
  • Social dynamics, like playing with friends, can influence the decision to remake.

Husaria1863’s Insight

Some players struggle with the voting mechanic for remakes, especially new players who may not grasp the F5 and F6 prompts effectively.

Zfreshy’s Perspective

The decision to remake often depends on the game mode, with ranked matches generally warranting a remake more than casual play.

dolphin_spit’s Observations

Confusion between the remake and surrender UI can lead to players unintentionally voting against a remake.

DartinBlaze448’s Analysis

Various factors, such as misunderstanding the prompts, concerns about losing rank rating, loyalty to a friend, or overconfidence in team performance, contribute to the reluctance to remake.

Some players may find the re-queue process tedious and opt to play out compromised matches rather than restarting.

charizard_72’s Insights

Ignorance, stubbornness, or selfishness often underlie players’ choices not to remake, perpetuating the frustration felt by those who understand the benefits of a remake.

Despite the clear advantages of remaking, certain players persist in avoiding this option for various reasons.