Valorant: The Silver Lining in Silver Ranks

Discover the chaotic world of Valorant's Silver ranks as players navigate through cheaters, smurfs, and ego clashes.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players delve into the Silver ranks and uncover a tumultuous gaming experience littered with smurfs, cheaters, and egotistical duelists.


  • Silver ranks in Valorant are a mix of ex-plat players, genuine silvers, and a landslide of smurfs.
  • Solo queueing in Silver to Gold is described as an uphill battle filled with frustration and toxicity.
  • Many players attribute the challenging experience to the rank reset and uneven matchmakings.

Silver Lining

Players express frustration over being matched with higher-ranked individuals in lower tiers, leading to misplaced placements and skewed competitions. This imbalance disrupts the gameplay flow and creates a sense of unfairness, impacting individual performance and rank progression.

Making the Climb

Despite the prevalent issues in the Silver ranks, some players find solace in focusing on personal improvement rather than fixating on external factors. By honing their gameplay skills and adapting strategies, they manage to climb the ranks and overcome the challenges posed by smurfs and cheaters.

Dealing with Adversity

Amidst the chaos of Silver ranks, players share anecdotes of encountering suspicious behavior from opponents, leading to accusations of cheating. However, maintaining a positive mindset and honing one’s abilities emerge as crucial factors in navigating through the adversities of lower elo matches.