Valorant: The State of Soloq-ing Right Now

Discover the unbearable truth about soloq-ing in Valorant. Toxicity, insults, and the desperate need for a solo-only queue!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players are fed up with the state of soloq-ing, facing toxicity, insults, and bullying, leading to a cry for a solo-only queue.


  • Soloq players in Valorant encounter an increasing level of toxicity, insults, and lack of coordination.
  • Many players express the need for a dedicated solo queue option to avoid the frustrations of playing with duos or trios.
  • The rise in toxicity is attributed to the younger player base and the prevalence of smurfs in matchmaking.

Rebellion2297’s Perspective

Rebellion2297 emphasizes the stark contrast between playing with a 3-stack on each team compared to all solo queues, highlighting the need for a better matchmaking system to enhance player experience.

Fast-Flatworm-5693’s London Server Experience

Fast-Flatworm-5693 sheds light on the language barrier issue and the impact it has on toxicity levels, advocating for server choices to mitigate communication challenges.

boyardeebandit’s Strategy

boyardeebandit suggests muting everyone to focus on personal gameplay and callouts, acknowledging the value of individual performance in the midst of toxicity.