Valorant Tips: How to Escape the Grind of Low Elo

Discover genuine tips from Valorant players on climbing the ranks and improving your skills!

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the intense world of Valorant, players strive to climb the ranks and break free from the confines of low elo. A Reddit user, Gloomy-Adeptness7553, shared their struggle of being stuck in bronze and seeking advice on how to improve their gameplay to reach silver.


  • Lowering sensitivity and DPI can enhance control and aiming precision.
  • Consistent practice in Aim Labs, deathmatch, and the range is crucial for skill development.
  • Focusing on game sense, agent choice, and self-healing abilities can provide a strategic advantage.

Optimizing Sensitivity and Practice

Aim-labs is a beneficial tool, but some players emphasize the effectiveness of consistent practice in deathmatch mode for improving aim and crosshair placement. Lowering your sensitivity to achieve a balance between control and precision is also recommended.

Strategic Agent Selection

Sticking to one or two agents and mastering their abilities through video guides can enhance your gameplay. Opting for self-healing agents can help compensate for the lack of teamwork in low elo matches.

Beneficial Changes for Improvement

Players suggest making incremental adjustments to sensitivity, gradually lowering eDPI while focusing on aim training strategies like maintaining head level pre-aiming and efficient peaking techniques.