Valorant: Which Agent Should I Play? Reddit’s Take

Discover Reddit's advice on choosing the right Agent in Valorant based on your playstyle and map like Bind.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant players on Reddit are discussing the challenges of playing on Bind and seeking advice on which Agent to choose. The original poster is struggling with their win rate and performance and is looking for guidance from the community.


  • Players suggest trying different Agents until you find the right fit for your playstyle.
  • Watching YouTube videos for Cypher setups and copying them can improve your performance.
  • Controllers like Omen and Brimstone are recommended for Bind due to their smokes’ effectiveness.

Playing Initiator

Many users recommended initiators like Kayo, Sova, Breach, and Gekko for players who prefer this role. They emphasized the importance of mastering agent abilities and utilizing them strategically for successful plays.

Agent Suggestions

Some users suggested specific Agents based on their utility and playstyle. For example, playing as Raze or Kayo for an aggressive approach or picking Brimstone for control and area denial on Bind.

Map Strategy and Counterplay

Discussion also touched on map strategies for Bind, such as effective wall placements with Sage and utilizing Cypher’s traps to hold sites. Players shared their experiences with different Agents and how they countered opponents on the map.

Ultimately, the Valorant community provided a range of suggestions to help players improve their performance on Bind and choose the right Agent based on their preferences and playstyle.