Valorant: Why am I Stuck with Abyss in Ranked Matches Again?

Why does Abyss map keep popping up in Valorant ranked? Discover why players are frustrated and how Riot may be influencing map selection.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Players in Valorant are puzzled by the abundance of the Abyss map in their ranked matches, with some feeling exasperated by the repetitive gameplay loop. Let’s delve into this phenomenon and understand why this map seems to dominate the rotation.


  • Players express frustration at the continuous selection of Abyss in ranked matches.
  • Riot’s potential influence on map rotation to familiarize players with new content.
  • Insights on how dodging affects map likelihood and player experiences.
  • The divide between players who adapt and those who despise Abyss.

Players’ Frustrations

In Valorant, the repeated appearance of the Abyss map in ranked matches has left players perplexed and annoyed. The feeling of being stuck in an endless loop of the same map can be draining, leading to a sense of monotony and frustration in the gameplay experience.

Riot’s Influence

Some players speculate that Riot may be intentionally pushing newer maps like Abyss more frequently in ranked matches to ensure players gain familiarity with the map. This strategy could be aimed at preventing issues in the long run, where players might struggle due to lack of experience on newer maps.

Dodging Dynamics

There is a consensus among players that dodging matches, particularly to avoid specific maps like Abyss, can inadvertently increase the likelihood of encountering the same map again. The prevalence of dodging behaviors contributes to a cycle where players find themselves repeatedly facing the map they seek to avoid.

Adaptation vs. Aversion

While some players acknowledge the need to adapt and learn to enjoy the Abyss map, others express strong aversion and frustration towards its continuous appearance. The divide between players who embrace the challenge of mastering new content and those who detest the map highlights the diverse perspectives within the Valorant community.

As the debate over map selection continues in Valorant, players grapple with the balance between variety and familiarity in their ranked gameplay experiences. The ongoing struggle with the Abyss map serves as a reminder of the community’s adaptability and resistance to change in the evolving landscape of the game.