Valorant: Why Won’t People Agree to Remake in Comp Games?

Discover why some players in Valorant refuse to remake, even with AFK/disconnected teammates, leading to frustration and defeats.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

In Valorant, players often face the dilemma of whether to remake a match when they have AFK or disconnected teammates. What drives some individuals to reject the opportunity for a fresh start, even in dire circumstances?


  • Players reject remakes due to misplaced confidence in 4v5 victories.
  • Duos sometimes influence decisions, leading to unnecessary rejections.
  • Misunderstandings about remakes vs. surrenders cause confusion.
  • Some individuals refuse remakes due to ego or lack of game knowledge.

Players’ Justifications

Some players believe in the power of morale after winning a pistol round, mistakenly assuming that a 4v5 situation is winnable.

Others cite misunderstandings, with some confusing remakes for surrenders or rejecting based on duo influence.

Challenges of Communication

Duos play a significant role, with one player disconnecting but vouching for a return, impacting the team’s decision-making process.

Additionally, misperceptions about remakes and surrenders lead to conflicting opinions on voting outcomes.

Ego and Game Knowledge

Sometimes, players reject remakes out of ego, believing they can carry the team despite the odds, showcasing a lack of strategic thinking.

Others refuse due to a misunderstanding of game mechanics or following misguided advice, resulting in unnecessary losses and frustrations.

It’s essential for players to understand the nuances of remakes and make informed decisions to optimize their gaming experience and chances of success.