
Valorant Episode 7 — Patch Notes 7.0

Valorant episode 7 banner
Hamza Bakht

Stay up to date with Valorant Episode 7 and all the changes introduced in Patch 7.0

Ranking the Best Valorant Teams Per Region

Ranking the best Valorant teams per region title card
Anwell Patdu

Are you trying to find out who the greatest teams are? Here are the best Valorant teams per region.

Valorant Deadlock Abilities, Release Date, & Role

Valorant Deadlock character splash art
Hamza Bakht

Find out everything you need to know about the latest Agent in Valorant — Deadlock.

Best Valorant Streamers from every region to watch and improve

Hamza Bakht

Watching the pros is the best way to learn about the more advanced tricks in Valorant. Get ready to learn alongside the best Valorant streamers around the world.

3 Best Valorant Streamers in Asia-Pacific

Hamza Bakht

Let's check out the best Valorant streamers from the Asia-Pacific region.

3 Best Valorant Streamers in Latin America

Valorant Astra title card
Hamza Bakht

Latin America is home to some of the best players in the world. Let's look at the best Valorant Streamers in Latin America that you can learn from.

3 Best Valorant Streamers in Europe

Valorant Jett
Hamza Bakht

If you're looking to improve you should watch the best. Learn from the best Valorant Streamers in Europe.

Reyna in Pro Play: How PRX is Using Her

How PRX is using reyna in pro play title card
Anwell Patdu

Reyna isn’t exactly built with teamplay in mind. However, PRX found a way to make Reyna in pro play viable. So let’s look at how Paper Rex is using Reyna.

3 Best Valorant Streamers in North America

Hamza Bakht

Here are the 3 best Valorant Streamers in North America that you can learn from.

The Top 10 Best Valorant Players

The 10 best Valorant players title card
Anwell Patdu

Wondering who the best Valorant players in the world are? We’ve got you covered. Here are our picks for the 10 best Valorant players.