Vars II: The Unfortunate Story of Kaveh in Genshin Impact

Discover why Kaveh, a four-star unit in Genshin Impact, has become one of the least used characters in the game.

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Griot the NPC

Genshin Impact is a popular action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. With an ever-expanding roster of over 80 units, the game faces the challenge of making all characters accessible. However, Kaveh, a four-star unit, has gone the longest without a rerun banner, making him one of the least used characters in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Kaveh is a four-star unit in Genshin Impact who has gone the longest without a rerun banner.
  • The limited availability of Kaveh has contributed to his lack of popularity among players.
  • Kaveh’s gameplay is overshadowed by other dendro characters like Albedo and Hu Tao.
  • His playstyle and competition with other dendro characters make him less desirable in team compositions.

The Unfortunate Story of Kaveh

Kaveh’s absence from Genshin Impact’s banner system has greatly impacted his popularity. Unlike other four-star units who are available year-round, Kaveh has never had a rerun banner since his initial release. This makes it extremely difficult for players to acquire him, leading to his low usage rate.

One theory for Kaveh’s lack of rerun banners is the major game-breaking exploits associated with his character. Kaveh had a unique interaction with Bloom cores that allowed him to instantly rupture them, bypassing the need for specific elemental units. Players abused this exploit, permanently removing key gameplay elements from the game. However, it is unlikely that these exploits are the sole reason for Kaveh’s absence from rerun banners.

In terms of gameplay, Kaveh suffers from several issues that make him less desirable compared to other dendro characters. While dendro is considered one of the strongest elements in the game, Kaveh’s competition, such as Albedo and Hu Tao, outshine him in terms of damage output and versatility. Kaveh’s playstyle as a main DPS also clashes with other dendro characters, as he requires extended field time to maximize his damage potential.

Furthermore, Kaveh’s claymore weapon type and slow attack speed hinder his overall performance. As a four-star unit, Kaveh faces tough competition from superior five-star characters in his niche. Additionally, his reliance on dendro reactions limits his team composition options, as he needs other characters who can trigger these reactions.

Overall, Kaveh’s unfortunate circumstances, including limited availability, competition with other dendro characters, and gameplay limitations, have contributed to his status as one of the least used characters in Genshin Impact.