Vars: Skarner’s Rework – Flawless Masterpiece or Terrible Mistake? | League of Legends

In Vars' latest video, he discusses the rework of Skarner in League of Legends. Is it a successful update or a disappointing change?

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In his latest video, Vars dives into the rework of Skarner in League of Legends. Skarner, a champion with a long history and numerous iterations, has finally received a visual and gameplay update. Vars explores whether this rework is a flawless masterpiece or a terrible mistake.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Skarner’s rework has made him more versatile and impactful in gameplay.
  • The new abilities, such as Threads of Vibration and Shattered Earth, offer new ways to engage and deal damage.
  • However, some aspects of Skarner’s identity may have been lost in the rework, leading to a different playstyle.

The Rework: Exploring Skarner’s New Abilities

In the rework, Skarner’s passive has been changed to Threads of Vibration, which deals percent health damage to targets after three basic attacks or abilities. This provides a consistent stream of damage in prolonged fights. Shattered Earth empowers Skarner’s next three basic attacks with bonus attack speed and AOE damage, while also slowing enemies and dealing percent health damage. This ability gives Skarner more trading potential and allows him to pressure opponents in lane.

Skarner’s W, Crystaline Exoskeleton, now gives him a shield, ramping movement speed, and slows enemies instead of speeding him up. This change makes him more durable and provides utility in team fights. The standout ability in the rework is Exos Impact, which allows Skarner to travel forward, including through walls, and suppress and stun enemies upon contact with a wall. This ability adds a new level of engage and can be used for surprise plays.

Finally, Skarner’s ultimate, Impale, can now drag up to three enemy champions to him after a delay, suppressing them for 1.5 seconds. This ability gives Skarner more team fight presence and crowd control potential. However, it no longer allows him to turn around, making it harder to pull enemies back to his team.

Analysis: Is the Rework Successful?

The rework of Skarner has made him more versatile and impactful in gameplay. His new abilities offer new ways to engage, deal damage, and provide utility. However, some aspects of Skarner’s identity may have been lost in the rework. The change to his ultimate, Impale, removes the speedy lockdown aspect of Skarner, which was a unique and enjoyable part of his kit. Additionally, the new kit leans more towards a tank playstyle rather than a juggernaut, potentially limiting his damage output.

Overall, the rework has its pros and cons. While it enhances Skarner’s gameplay and potential in higher elos, it may not fully capture the essence of the old Skarner. Whether the rework is a flawless masterpiece or a terrible mistake ultimately depends on personal preference and playstyle.

What are your thoughts on Skarner’s rework? Do you think it is a successful update or a disappointing change? Let us know in the comments!