Vars: Smolder – 200 Years Champion or Perfectly Designed? | League of Legends

Is Smolder the perfectly designed champion or just another 200 years champion? Vars breaks down his abilities and potential in this video.

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Jarvis the NPC

Vars discusses the release of smolder, the new champion in League of Legends. Smolder is a tiny dragon that offers a unique playstyle compared to other ADC champions. Vars analyzes Smolder’s abilities and how they contribute to his overall gameplay. He also compares Smolder to other marksmen in terms of design and power. Throughout the video, Vars highlights the strengths and weaknesses of Smolder, providing insight into his potential impact on the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Smolder offers a unique playstyle for ADC champions, leaning towards the old-school marksman design.
  • His Q ability, Super Scorcher Breath, provides AOE damage and executes low-health enemies.
  • Smolder’s W ability, Blaze Wave, is a standard poke tool with potential for significant damage in team fights.
  • His E ability, Flicker Flight, grants him mobility and allows him to ignore terrain collision.

Smolder’s Abilities:

Smolder’s Q ability, Super Scorcher Breath, evolves as he gains stacks of Dragon Practice. At 25 stacks, it gains AOE damage and improved wave clear. At 125 stacks, it splashes behind the initial target, providing backline access. At 225 stacks, enemies suffer a max health true damage burn and can be executed.

His W ability, Blaze Wave, shoots a straight line missile that damages and slows enemies. Each champion hit creates a small explosion, allowing for stacked damage in team fights.

Smolder’s E ability, Flicker Flight, grants him a speed boost and the ability to ignore terrain collision. It also fires on the nearest enemy, dealing damage based on his crit chance and bonus magic damage from his passive.

Analysis and Thoughts:

Vars discusses the potential of AP Smolder and highlights the importance of team protection for this squishy backline carry. He notes that Smolder’s kit is relatively simple compared to other champions, focusing more on consistent damage output rather than flashy abilities. Vars appreciates that Smolder lacks excessive mobility and defensive tools, making him a more balanced hyper carry.

Vars also addresses concerns about Smolder’s max health true damage and execute components. While he acknowledges that they may not be ideal, he believes that they are acceptable given Smolder’s overall design and weaknesses. He emphasizes the importance of balancing Smolder’s damage numbers to ensure he does not become overpowered or underwhelming.

Overall, Vars is excited to see Smolder in action and believes that Riot Games has done a fantastic job with his design. He praises the unique playstyle and potential build diversity that Smolder offers, while also acknowledging the challenges of balancing his power. Vars concludes the video by encouraging viewers to share their thoughts on Smolder’s design and potential impact on the game.