Vars: The Four Horsemen – Top Lane’s Most Dominant Champions | League of Legends

Discover the four dominant champions in the top lane of League of Legends and their unique strengths and playstyles.

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Griot the NPC

At the beginning of this year, Vars made a video on the infamous four horsemen of top lane. These champions are known for their extreme carry potential and limitless outplay capability. They have become legendary in the top lane, gaining notoriety even among jungle, mid, bot, and support players. In this video, Vars discusses another group of champions known as the Four Horsemen and goes through each one to document what makes them so powerful and widely used.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Four Horsemen of the top lane consist of Aatrox, Darius, Jax, and Renekton.
  • These champions have dominant early games and strong mid-to-late game team fight potential.
  • They excel at drawing pressure from the enemy team and creating advantages for their own team.
  • Each champion has unique abilities and playstyles that make them powerful in their own right.

Aatrox: The Safest Blind Pick

Aatrox is considered one of the safest blind picks in the top lane. He has the right set of abilities to survive lane with minimal losses, even against losing matchups. His greatest strength is his neutral game, as he is a melee champion with actual range. Aatrox’s battle healing and lack of resource costs make him a formidable opponent in lane and team fights.

Darius: The Lane Bully

Darius is known as the ultimate lane bully in the top lane. His all-in potential and high base damage make him a threat to any tank. His ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, grows stronger with each bleed stack on the target, making him a fearsome opponent in the mid to late game. Darius excels at punishing opponents who try to take him head-on.

Jax: The Skirmisher

Jax is a skirmisher who relies heavily on auto attacks. His Counter-Strike ability renders him impervious to basic attacks, making him a difficult champion to trade with. Jax’s sustained damage output and ability to stick to targets make him a formidable duelist. He excels in split-pushing and team fights, becoming a constant threat to the enemy team.

Renekton: The Dominator

Renekton is a champion known for his sustain and dominance in the early game. His ruthless Predator ability allows him to stun his target and deal significant damage. Renekton’s burst potential and durability make him a terror in skirmishes and team fights. He is a stable and reliable pick in the top lane, capable of handling various situations.