Veiled Shot: They FIXED The Rogue! Falconer is AMAZING! | Last Epoch

Veiled Shot discusses the new Falconer class in Last Epoch and its amazing gameplay experience.

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Griot the NPC

Veiled Shot discusses the new Falconer class in Last Epoch and its amazing gameplay experience.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Rogue’s Falconer class brings a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience.
  • The Falconer offers high mobility and powerful AOE DPS.
  • Skills like explosive trap and dive bomb make clearing packs a breeze.
  • The Falconer’s gameplay is a refreshing change from other ranged Rogue options in games like Diablo 4.

Introduction to the Falconer Class

Veiled Shot introduces the Falconer class in Last Epoch, emphasizing its unique gameplay experience. The Falconer offers a smooth and enjoyable Rogue experience with high mobility and powerful AOE DPS. Players can experiment with different builds, such as an explosive trap SL ranged Marksman build, to clear packs quickly and efficiently. The Falconer’s abilities, like dive bomb and explosive trap, make it a formidable class in the early game.

The Falconer vs. Other Rogue Options

Veiled Shot compares the Falconer to other ranged Rogue options in games like Diablo 4. The Falconer’s gameplay is a refreshing change, offering more mobility and AOE damage. Skills like penetrating shot and barrage give the Falconer an edge in clearing out enemies. In contrast, other games may offer dashes and Shadow steps for mobility, but they lack the same level of AOE damage. The Falconer provides a unique and satisfying gameplay experience for players looking to try out Last Epoch.

Personal Experience and Progress

Veiled Shot shares their personal experience with Last Epoch and the Falconer class. Despite starting late due to illness, they find the gameplay to be an absolute dream. The break and the new game have revitalized their interest in playing the Rogue. Veiled Shot plans to continue playing, creating builds, and sharing their progress with the community. They are curious to hear from other players and their experiences with Last Epoch and the Rogue class.