Verlisify: Elden Ring Devs Say SKILL ISSUE! First Elden Ring DLC Patch Notes!

Verlisify discusses the recent balance update and patch notes for Elden Ring, addressing complaints about difficulty and providing tips for players.

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Griot the NPC

Elden Ring just received a balance update and patch notes addressing player complaints about difficulty. Verlisify discusses the changes in his video, highlighting the importance of finding scatter tree fragments and revered Spirit ashes to strengthen your character. The developers emphasize that the game is beatable and provide tips for players to improve their gameplay experience. Verlisify also addresses the issue of entitlement among gamers and the divide between veteran Souls players and newcomers to the genre. Overall, the DLC is praised for its natural progression and well-explained mechanics.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The balance update and patch notes address complaints about difficulty in Elden Ring.
  • Finding scatter tree fragments and revered Spirit ashes is crucial for character strengthening.
  • The DLC provides natural progression and well-explained mechanics.
  • Entitlement and skill issues among gamers are discussed.

Difficulty Complaints and Patch Notes

Elden Ring players have been expressing their frustrations with the game’s difficulty. However, the developers have addressed these complaints in a recent balance update and patch notes. Verlisify highlights the changes, including revised attack and damage negation curves and increased attack and damage negation in the first half of the game. The final level’s attack and damage negation have also been slightly increased. These adjustments aim to make the game more playable and manageable for players.

The Importance of Scatter Tree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes

To overcome the challenges in Elden Ring, it is crucial for players to find scatter tree fragments and revered Spirit ashes. Verlisify emphasizes that these items are necessary for strengthening your character. By continuously upgrading and finding these fragments, players can increase their attack and damage negation, making them more capable of defeating difficult bosses. Verlisify also points out that pot enemies should not be ignored, as they drop valuable items such as ashes and fragments that can aid in character progression.

The Divide Between Souls Players and Newcomers

Verlisify discusses the divide between veteran Souls players and newcomers to the genre. While some veteran players have expressed dissatisfaction with the DLC’s difficulty and mechanics, Verlisify, as a newcomer to the genre, found the game challenging but enjoyable. He believes that the entitlement and lack of willingness to explore and adapt to the game’s mechanics contribute to the complaints. He also notes that the game’s achievements and player statistics indicate that a significant number of players have successfully progressed through the game and unlocked the DLC, challenging the notion that only a select few can handle the difficulty.

Entitlement and Skill Issues Among Gamers

Verlisify addresses the issue of entitlement and skill issues among gamers. He believes that modern gamers have become more fragile and unwilling to put in the work required to overcome challenges in games. He argues that players should approach games as intended, embracing the challenge and exploring all the resources and mechanics available. He criticizes the tendency to complain and demand changes on social media platforms, highlighting the difference in how Japanese developers like Miyazaki handle such complaints.