Verlisify: The Blender – Best Elden Ring DLC Bleed Build

Discover Verlisify's ultimate Elden Ring DLC bleed build, 'The Blender,' featuring a powerful axe, wild strikes, and unbeatable tankiness.

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Griot the NPC

Verlisify’s latest video explores the ‘The Blender’ build for the Elden Ring DLC. This build utilizes a bleed axe with wild strikes and focuses on maximizing tankiness and blood loss buildup. The video showcases the build in action and provides tips for optimizing its potential.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Blender build combines a bleed axe with wild strikes for devastating damage.
  • Maximizing strength and arcane stats is crucial for this build.
  • The build can be adapted to different weapons, such as the fort tachet and brick hammer.
  • Consider using the blood fiend’s arm for additional poison damage and blood buildup.

The Perfect Blend of Power and Tankiness

Verlisify demonstrates the power of ‘The Blender’ build by showcasing its incredible damage output and tankiness. By utilizing a bleed axe with wild strikes, players can inflict devastating bleed damage on opponents. The build also focuses on maximizing tankiness by equipping the heaviest armor and investing in strength and arcane stats.

Optimizing the Build

To optimize ‘The Blender’ build, Verlisify suggests investing in strength and arcane stats to maximize the damage output and blood loss buildup. The blood fiend’s arm is recommended for its high poison damage and potential for blood infusion. Additionally, players can experiment with different weapons, such as the fort tachet and brick hammer, to find the perfect fit for their playstyle.

Tips for Success

Verlisify provides several tips for success with ‘The Blender’ build. Maximizing tankiness is crucial, so players should equip the best talisman for defense against their opponents. If getting knocked down or staggered too much, switching to a different talisman or armor set may be necessary. Additionally, players can experiment with different armor combinations to optimize Poise and equip load.

‘The Blender’ build offers a unique and powerful playstyle in the Elden Ring DLC. With its devastating bleed damage and unbeatable tankiness, this build is sure to impress players seeking a new challenge. Watch Verlisify’s video for a detailed walkthrough of the build and start blending your opponents today!