Verlisify: The Truth About the Elden Ring Perfumer Build

Verlisify explores the recent changes to the Perfumer Build in Elden Ring and uncovers the truth behind the supposed nerfs.

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Griot the NPC

Verlisify discusses the recent changes made to the Perfumer Build in Elden Ring and provides insights into the effectiveness of the build after the patch. He starts by mentioning that he beat the DLC and got the Blood Fiend’s Arm, but then it got nerfed. He also talks about the alleged nerf to the Lightning Bottles and decides to test the build again to see how it performs. He mentions that he needs 22 strength for the Blasphemous Blade and that faith can be taken to 99 for additional damage. He also talks about the soft caps for dexterity and endurance.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Perfumer Build in Elden Ring has not been nerfed as much as people claim
  • The Blasphemous Blade is still powerful and can be optimized with different talismans
  • The Perfume Bottles are still effective, especially against large enemies

Understanding the Perfumer Build:

In the video, Verlisify explains that the Perfumer Build is still strong and viable, despite the supposed nerfs. He mentions that the lightning and blood sucking crack tiers are popular choices for maximizing damage. He also talks about the importance of faith and how it can be combined with the Blasphemous Blade to create a powerful build. Verlisify emphasizes that the build can still do significant damage, especially against large enemies.

The Truth About the Nerfs:

Verlisify clarifies that the Perfumer Build hasn’t actually been nerfed as much as people claim. He mentions that the bug fixes were necessary to address inconsistencies with the build, but they didn’t significantly impact its overall effectiveness. Verlisify argues that the build is still powerful and can be used effectively, especially if players understand how to optimize it with the right equipment and talismans. He also dispels the misconception that the build is now useless, highlighting that it can still deal significant damage with proper execution.

Building an Effective Perfumer Build:

Verlisify provides insights into building an effective Perfumer Build in Elden Ring. He suggests combining talismans like the lightning and blood sucking crack tiers with the Blasphemous Blade to maximize damage. He also mentions the option of using the Sacred Scorpion Charm or switching to the Talisman of the Dread for different situations. Verlisify emphasizes the importance of understanding the mechanics of the build and experimenting with different combinations to find the most effective playstyle.