Vermax: My Friends Gaming Setups Are HORRIBLE…

Vermax critiques his friends' gaming setups, rating them on cleanliness, organization, and potential. Find out who has the best and worst setups!

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Griot the NPC

Vermax recently released a new video titled “My Friends Gaming Setups Are HORRIBLE…” where he takes a look at the gaming setups of his friends and provides his honest critique. In the video, Vermax rates each setup based on cleanliness, organization, and potential for improvement. Let’s dive into the details of this entertaining and informative video!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Vermax critiques his friends’ gaming setups based on cleanliness, organization, and potential for improvement.
  • He rates each setup on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.
  • The cleanest setup belongs to Nick, while the messiest belongs to Tyler.
  • Vermax provides suggestions for improving each setup, such as adding fake plants or improving cable management.

Tyler’s Setup: A Disaster

Vermax starts off by critiquing Tyler’s gaming setup, which he describes as the worst he has ever seen. The desk is cluttered with papers and lacks organization. Vermax rates this setup a measly 1.5 out of 10.

The Clean and Sleek Setup

Vermax is pleasantly surprised by his friend’s black and white themed setup. He praises the choice of a PS5 for gaming and the sleek black desk. Vermax rates this setup an impressive 8 out of 10.

Jono’s Minimalist Setup

Vermax examines Jono’s setup, which is primarily used for school work rather than gaming. While the setup is clean and organized, Vermax points out that it lacks gaming elements. He gives this setup a solid 6 or 7 out of 10.

Joshy’s Messy Editing Station

Vermax moves on to Joshy’s editing setup, which is cluttered and messy. Despite the mess, Vermax acknowledges the potential of this setup and suggests better cable management. He rates it a 7 out of 10.

Luke’s Clean and Simple Setup

Vermax compares Luke’s setup to Joshy’s and appreciates the clean and simple aesthetic. He finds it visually appealing and rates it highly, around a 7 out of 10.

Jude’s RGB Overload

Vermax critiques Jude’s setup, which features excessive RGB lighting. While Vermax isn’t a fan of the glass desk, he recognizes that the setup may appeal to teenagers. He rates it an average 5 out of 10.

Blake’s Potential Mess

Vermax comments on Blake’s powerful setup, but highlights the messiness of the desk. He acknowledges the potential for improvement and rates it a 6 out of 10.

Noah’s Familiar Setup

Vermax recognizes Noah’s setup, as he previously built it. Despite the messy cables, Vermax rates it a 6.5 out of 10 due to sentimental reasons.

The Winner: Nick’s Clean Setup

Vermax declares Nick’s setup as the cleanest and most visually appealing. While it may not be the most powerful, it showcases cleanliness and organization. Vermax rates it as the best setup in the video.

Vermax concludes the video by promoting his brand, mlabs, and announcing a gaming PC giveaway. He invites viewers to participate and suggests checking out mlabs for gaming accessories and products. He also asks for feedback on future videos and expresses his appreciation for the support.

Overall, Vermax’s video provides an entertaining and informative look at his friends’ gaming setups. It offers valuable insights into the importance of cleanliness, organization, and potential for improvement in creating an optimal gaming experience.