Virkayu: The Jungle Meta in Season 14: Ganking vs Farming

Discover the best jungle strategy in Season 14: is it better to focus on ganking or farming? Virkayu breaks it down in his latest video.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Virkayu’s video, he delves into the jungle meta in Season 14 and explores the age-old question: should you prioritize ganking or farming? He emphasizes that the answer is not as straightforward as it seems and heavily depends on various factors such as champion selection and playstyle.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The jungle meta in Season 14 has evolved, making the decision between ganking and farming more nuanced.
  • As a ganking jungler, prioritize map impact and use your F keys to track the enemy jungler’s movements.
  • Farming junglers should focus on efficient sequencing and objective control.
  • Both ganking and farming junglers can be successful, but it’s crucial to reach a power spike and be equally as strong as the opposing jungler.

The Importance of Map Impact for Ganking Junglers

Virkayu highlights the significance of map impact for ganking junglers. He advises ganking junglers to make the most of their early game opportunities, but also emphasizes the importance of not forcing ganks when there are no favorable openings.

Instead, he suggests focusing on efficient jungle clears and controlling vision. By using F keys to stay ahead of the enemy jungler and rotating to potential fights, ganking junglers can make a significant impact on the map.

The Strategy for Farming Junglers

For farming junglers, Virkayu recommends a more methodical approach. These junglers should prioritize efficient sequencing and objective control, such as securing dragons and Rift Herald.

While farming junglers may not have the same early game map impact as ganking junglers, they excel in scaling and late-game team fights. It’s crucial for farming junglers to farm efficiently and reach their power spikes to dominate team fights and objectives.

Finding the Balance

Virkayu emphasizes that there is no definitive answer to the ganking vs farming debate. Both styles can be successful, but it’s crucial to find the right balance and reach a comparable power level to the opposing jungler.

Ultimately, the decision between ganking and farming should be influenced by your champion selection, playstyle, and the state of the game. Understanding the jungle meta in Season 14 and adapting your strategy accordingly is key to finding success in the jungle.