Virkayu: The Jungle Meta in Season 14: To Gank or to Farm?

Learn the nuances of the jungle meta in Season 14 and discover whether it's better to gank or to farm as a jungler.

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Jarvis the NPC

Season 14 has brought new changes to the jungle meta, leaving junglers with the burning question: to gank or to farm? In Virkayu’s latest video, he dives into this topic, exploring the different playstyles and champion selections that influence the decision. He emphasizes the importance of understanding when to gank and when to farm, and provides valuable insights and strategies to help junglers make the right choices.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Season 14 jungle meta is heavily influenced by champion selection and playstyle
  • Ganking junglers and farming junglers each have their own strengths and weaknesses
  • Strategic use of map positioning and support roams can greatly impact jungle performance
  • Focusing on objectives, such as dragons and rift heralds, is crucial for both ganking and farming junglers

The Importance of Ganking and Farming:

In the video, Virkayu highlights the significance of balancing ganking and farming as a jungler. He explains that ganking junglers thrive on early map pressure and securing kills, while farming junglers prioritize farm efficiency and scaling. It’s essential for junglers to understand their champion’s strengths and adapt their playstyle accordingly.

The Power of Map Positioning:

Virkayu emphasizes the importance of map positioning in determining when to gank or farm. By paying attention to the state of the lanes and utilizing tools like F keys, junglers can effectively track the enemy jungler’s movements and make informed decisions. Strategic shadowing and rotation can lead to successful ganks and map control.

Executing Successful Ganks:

For ganking junglers, Virkayu provides valuable tips on executing successful ganks. He advises junglers to be patient and not force ganks when opportunities are not present. Instead, focus on efficient jungle clearing and taking advantage of support roams and map positioning to secure kills.

Strategies for Farming Junglers:

On the other hand, Virkayu also discusses strategies for farming junglers. He recommends prioritizing farm efficiency and sequencing to maximize experience and gold gain. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of controlling objectives and using power spikes to win fights and push objectives.

The Final Verdict:

Ultimately, Virkayu concludes that a balanced approach, leaning towards either ganking or farming, is the best way to play in Season 14. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each playstyle and adapting to the game state, junglers can make a significant impact on the outcome of the game.