Wacky Theories on ‘League of Legends’: Who Would You Beat in a 1v1?

Exploring the weird and wonderful imaginings of League of Legends players on who they'd win against in a 1v1.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-fascinating world of League of Legends, players are using their wild imaginations in an amusing discussion about hypothetical 1v1 matchups. The post, initiated by Lil_Crunchy93, poses an interesting question: which champion would you defeat in a one-on-one, and how?


  • Quirky and sometimes foolhardy strategies for defeating the champions surface.
  • Most players express confidence in tackling the game’s champions, albeit with odd tactics.
  • Some players, however, maintain they’re doomed no matter the combat scenario.

The Bold And The Confident

Enter the players with sworn self-confidence, who dare to face any champion in a duel. User McYeet35 proclaims their invincibility, exhibiting sheer unwavering faith in their ‘techniques’. They comically plan to use ‘the strap’, assuming brute force should do the trick against mystical beings!

The Fatalistic Approach

On the other side, there are those like pixel-artist1 who, with a succinct ‘no one lol’, accept their defeat even before the duel begins. Similarly, MaxWarden skeptically interrogates the whole notion, declaring the idea of a human overcoming a champion as ludicrous.

Unorthodox Strategies

D2Hater emerges with a comprehensive ‘battle strategy’, ranging from administering chocolate to a series of champions to distracting several fighters with personal issues before attacking. Others like Adventurous_File_798 attributed their victory to an absence of technique, instead favoring the simplicity of a human versus cat smackdown.

And so, our League of Legends fans have proven their creativity and humor knows no bounds. From unfounded confidence to doomed acceptance; oddball strategies to simple smacks, it’s clear they love every bit of the game and aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves. It’s a testament to the passion and camaraderie that makes the gaming community so extraordinary.