Warzone Cheating Epidemic: Players Outraged by Bold Cheaters

Discover the uproar as Warzone players uncover rampant cheating in an amusing reveal of deception.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players recently stumbled upon some audacious cheaters in the game, sparking a mix of outrage and amusement.


  • Players astounded by cheaters’ brazenness.
  • Frustration grows as cheating reaches new heights.
  • Twitch and TikTok caught in the crossfire with cheating streamers.

Cheating Rampant in Lobbies

One user expressed their exasperation, ‘It’s in every lobby now. It’s ridiculous. Have you played in a lobby of 10+ cheaters all using wall hacks? You can’t even run 5 ft. before dying every few seconds.’ The sentiment of helplessness is palpable as players face constant unfair advantages.

Bold Cheater Streamers

Another user highlighted the boldness of cheaters live-streaming their escapades, ‘Cheating is one thing but live-streaming your cheating is an entirely new level of pathetic.’ The audacity of some cheaters in showcasing their exploits to the world leaves many in disbelief and amusement.

Tech Giants Under Scrutiny

Players are even questioning the effectiveness of platforms like TikTok in handling reports of cheating, with one user sharing their frustration, ‘I tried reporting one of these lives for blatant cheating, TikTok said that my report was rejected because they didn’t find issues.’ The lack of action by tech companies adds another layer of frustration for players combating cheaters.

Cheating in Warzone has reached unprecedented levels, leaving players disillusioned and exasperated as they navigate through lobbies flooded with cheaters flaunting their unfair advantages.