Warzone Dilemma: Players Struggle with Editing Loadouts

Warzone players share frustrations about being unable to edit their guns. What's the deal with these weapon woes?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are grappling with a pesky issue – the inability to tweak their firearm setups. Let’s dive into the heated discussion surrounding this editing conundrum.


  • Players frustrated by locked loadout editing until level 4.
  • Some experiencing strange loadout selection behavior in-game.
  • Suggestions to wait out connection issues or restart the game.

Locked Loadouts Spark Confusion

Many players express confusion over loadout editing restrictions, with some speculating that reaching a certain level might unlock this feature. One user humorously suggests, “Just use Kar98 + Superi – nobody will even notice!”

Baffling Loadout Selection Behavior

Players detail bizarre loadout selection quirks, such as only being able to choose every other loadout or encountering a looping behavior when cycling through loadouts. This issue has persisted for months, perplexing users with its complexity.

Solutions and Supportive Words

Amidst the frustration, players offer advice like waiting for connection issues to resolve or providing translation assistance for in-game notifications. Others offer encouragement, believing that the prescribed loadout might be a lucky charm for victory.

Warzone players unite in their struggles, seeking answers and camaraderie within the community. The quest for the perfect loadout continues, amidst the challenges posed by game glitches and restrictions.