Warzone Dilemma: Separate Lobbies for Trash Talkers?

Warzone players debate whether a separate lobby should be made for trash talkers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are divided on the issue of creating separate lobbies for trash talkers. Some feel that chat moderation is too strict, stifling competitive banter, while others believe toxicity is a real problem. Here’s a look at the heated discussion:


  • Players clash over the need for a special lobby for trash talkers.
  • Opinions vary from supporting free speech to advocating for strict moderation.
  • Some suggest avoiding banned words, while others argue for a complete overhaul of the system.

Trash Talkers vs. Moderators

Some players, like ZScott3564, express frustration over the stringent chat monitoring, highlighting inconsistencies in bans…

Adapting to Restrictions

On the other hand, UnForgivenFury shares a different approach, advising players to carefully choose their words to evade the ban hammer…

The Root of the Issue

NoHorror8260 puts the onus on toxic players, suggesting that the problem lies not in the system but in their behavior…