Warzone Glitch Fixes: How Players Are Dealing with Game Bugs

Discover how Warzone players are handling frustrating glitches in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are fed up with a persistent glitch affecting their gameplay. It’s not just annoying; it’s impacting their experience and performance in-game.


  • Players are frustrated with an ongoing glitch disrupting their Warzone matches.
  • Solutions like tossing down and picking up weapons are being shared within the community.
  • Some players criticize developers for not addressing the issue promptly.
  • Performance problems like lag are adding to the frustration among players.

Players’ Frustrations

One Reddit user pointed out the lack of response from game developers, expressing their frustration at the ongoing issue. This sentiment was echoed by several others in the comments, highlighting a disconnect between players and the development team.

In-Game Workarounds

Another user suggested a workaround for the glitch, advising players to drop and pick up their weapons to potentially resolve the issue temporarily. While this solution may not be ideal, it indicates the lengths players are willing to go to continue playing despite the challenges.

Performance Woes

Performance issues like lag were also a focal point in the comments, with a player mentioning significant latency problems on their PS5. This further compounds the frustrations of players already dealing with the glitch, creating a multifaceted problem that affects gameplay experience.

Despite these challenges, Warzone players are resilient, actively seeking solutions and sharing their experiences within the community. The shared frustrations and creative workarounds highlight the strong bond among players facing a common obstacle in their gaming journey.