Warzone Hit Registration Woes: What Players Are Saying

Warzone players are frustrated with hit registration issues post-update. Find out what they're saying.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are venting their frustrations about hit registration issues in the game. From sync problems to delayed hitmarkers, the community is not holding back. Here’s a look at some of the recent complaints:


  • Players are experiencing sync issues and delayed hitmarkers post-update.
  • Some attribute the problems to recent game updates and server issues.
  • Controller and keyboard players alike are facing hit registration woes.

Community Feedback

Champion_Stamp highlighted that game sync issues emerged post-update. Others like TedCruuuz joked about their own poor aim, questioning if the problem lay with the game instead.

Player Experiences

Old_Interaction_1713’s frustration with server performance and hit registration resonated with many, echoing widespread complaints about recent game stability. Mental_Roof9442 described a bizarre encounter where hits didn’t register despite an apparent point-blank engagement.

Game Update Woes

Players like EpicFaceGaming noted the impact of recent updates on gameplay, with particular emphasis on the changes since their return to Warzone. Deenasty20 highlighted the glitchy appearance of hit registration, leading to frustrating experiences for many.

Despite lag issues, some players like laggalots reported improvements over time, indicating that fixes might be in progress. Still, Known_2_Stretch1933’s notable frustration summed up the sentiments of many players enduring difficult matches.