Warzone: How Many People Should Be Alive in Top 10? Tips and Tricks

Confused about how many players should be left in the top 10 in Warzone? Let's clear that up with some insightful tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Warzone, understanding how many players are typically left in the top 10 can be tricky, especially for challenges. One player seeks clarification on this Reddit post.


  • Top 10 players are the last 10 teams alive, totaling around 40 or less in squads mode.
  • Some players struggle with simple math concepts, causing confusion.
  • Reading the challenge requirements carefully is crucial for success.

Player Experience

One user humorously points out that the top 10 are indeed the last 10 teams alive, keeping it straightforward for the confused player. Another player shares their struggle with the challenge, highlighting the difficulty level. Additionally, a user emphasizes the importance of reading the challenge instructions carefully to avoid confusion.

Game Strategy

Understanding game mechanics and challenge objectives is essential in Warzone to progress efficiently. Players should pay attention to details like team compositions and player counts to strategize effectively. Clear communication and coordination among squad members can also enhance gameplay experiences.

Community Support

The Warzone community offers a mix of humor and helpful advice to players facing challenges. Engaging with fellow players and seeking guidance can lead to solutions and shared successes. Being part of a supportive gaming community can enhance the overall gaming experience.