Warzone: Is This CRONUS? Truth Revealed

Warzone community debates whether a player is using Cronus for an unfair advantage. What do you think?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever had that moment in Warzone where you question if someone’s gaming skills are just too good to be true? Well, the community’s buzzing over a player suspected of using Cronus. Let’s dive into the debate!


  • Players divided over potential Cronus use
  • Accusations of hacking and cheat tools thrown around
  • Some blame game issues for suspicious gameplay

Different Perspectives

One user, 420nouZmeister, bluntly accuses the player of using aimbot, sparking a heated discussion on fair play.

On the other hand, koszli jokingly blames killcam issues and bad connections but highlights the prevalent cheating problem in Warzone.

The Verdict

While suspicions run high, it’s crucial to address cheating concerns and maintain the integrity of the game. Let’s hope fairness prevails in the Warzone battlegrounds!