Warzone: Is This Player Cheating? The Reddit Community Decides

Join the debate on whether this Warzone player is cheating or just incredibly skilled. The Reddit community weighs in!

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are up in arms over a controversial gameplay clip of a suspiciously skilled player. The post in question has sparked a heated debate online, with users split on whether the player is cheating or simply a prodigy.


  • The community is divided on the player’s skill level.
  • Some users point out suspicious behavior, such as precise aim and tracking.
  • Others argue that the player might just be highly skilled, possibly using keyboard and mouse.

Opinions on Cheating

Users like OrangePenguin_42 and Lazy_Mulberry_4185 are convinced the player is cheating, citing apparent aimbot usage and suspicious tracking through walls.


On the other hand, users like Wonderful-Aardvark54 believe the player’s skills could be attributed to using a keyboard and mouse setup, emphasizing the need for further analysis before passing judgment.

Community Consensus

While the majority leans towards calling out cheating, there is a vocal minority advocating for a more nuanced approach to evaluating the player’s performance.