Warzone: Is Xbox Series S the Solution to Lag Issues?

Is the Xbox Series S the fix for lag issues in Warzone? Players debate upgrading in the face of performance problems.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are divided over the performance issues on Xbox One S after a recent update. Some are considering upgrading to the Xbox Series S for a better gaming experience.


  • Players debate whether upgrading to Xbox Series S will resolve lag issues.
  • Opinions vary on the impact of console upgrades on gameplay performance.
  • Community members suggest different approaches to addressing lag issues in Warzone.

Contemplating an Upgrade

One player lamented the lag on their Xbox One S after the latest update. They pondered whether investing in an Xbox Series S was necessary to improve their gameplay experience. The allure of enhanced performance seemed tempting, especially when comparing it to their friends’ smooth experiences on Xbox Series X.

Mixed Community Reactions

While some users echoed the sentiment that hardware upgrades could alleviate performance issues, others cautioned against expecting a significant improvement solely from switching consoles. One comment highlighted that the latest update, rather than the console itself, might be the root cause of the lag problems.

Opting for Future-Proof Solutions

Amidst the debate, a community member suggested considering savings for a potential Xbox Series X purchase in the future. They also mentioned the option of acquiring a used Series S at a lower cost, emphasizing that the next-gen capabilities of Series S could still offer a commendable gaming experience, especially for those with high refresh rate monitors.

In the turbulent world of Warzone performance, players weigh their options between immediate upgrades, cost-efficient alternatives, and the promise of smoother gameplay. As the debate rages on, the decision to invest in better hardware becomes a crucial factor in enhancing the overall gaming experience.