“Warzone” Players Speak Out Against Racism in Game Chat

A discussion on racism in Warzone's voice chat and its impact on players' experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Many Warzone players are voicing their concerns about racism in the game’s voice chat, affecting their gaming experience.


  • Players express frustration over encountering racism in Warzone’s voice chat.
  • Some suggest muting or ignoring offensive players to avoid negative experiences.
  • Others highlight the prevalence of trash talking in online gaming culture.

Voices Against Racism

Relikar shared, “Too bad you said it long after your prox chat cut out.”

DearestMrSauce posted a Youtube link in response to the racism discussion, promoting awareness.

Changing Attitudes

oZeroDeaths pointed out, “Its cod. Online Shit talk was born there. Stop caring and people will stop lol.”