Warzone Reddit Rant: Players Fed Up with Lag and Glitches

Players on Warzone subreddit vent frustrations over ongoing lag and glitches in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are expressing their anger over ongoing server issues. The post, titled “FIX. YOUR. DAMN. GAME” by SingleMortgage4051, highlights the frustration of players encountering lag during matches. It’s evident that the community is up in arms about the state of the game, with multiple comments echoing similar sentiments.


  • Players are experiencing consistent lag issues during matches, leading to frustration and thoughts of uninstalling.
  • The inconsistency of server performance adds to the discontent, with some days being fine and others riddled with problems.
  • Several players criticize the state of the game, emphasizing the need for prompt fixes given the game’s popularity.
  • Overall, the community is disillusioned with the current state of Warzone.

Players Fed Up

One player, ChemistRemote7182, expressed the inconsistency of the lag, mentioning how some days are smooth while others are plagued with interruptions. This inconsistency adds to the frustration, as players can’t anticipate when the game will perform poorly.

Conanpt024 chimed in, highlighting the ongoing issues and the absurdity of a multi-billion-dollar game experiencing such fundamental problems. The tone of their comment reflects exasperation and disbelief at the state of the game.

Technical Troubles

Head_bussin pointed out specific issues on the Series X, mentioning additional problems beyond lag, such as download glitches that impact the console’s functionality. This showcases broader technical issues affecting the gaming experience.

ShirtlessCat shared their struggles with Zombies mode, emphasizing the worsening performance post-update. Their frustration is palpable as they question how the game’s quality deteriorated over time despite updates.

Community Dissatisfaction

The discontent extends to the community’s desire for a return to a previous game mode, as seen in nagelbagel10’s comment requesting the revival of blackout. This sentiment reflects a longing for an older, more stable gaming experience.

Antonswims033’s contemplation of upgrading consoles underscores the seriousness of the situation, with players considering drastic measures due to ongoing performance issues.

Clear-Spring1856 proposed a controversial solution of charging players to improve game quality, indicating a willingness to pay for a better gaming experience. This suggests a deep-seated frustration with the current state of play.

The collective sentiment from the community indicates a profound dissatisfaction with Warzone’s current state, with players experiencing significant technical hurdles that hinder their enjoyment of the game. As frustrations mount, the community eagerly awaits fixes that address these longstanding issues.