Warzone Shadow Ban: How to Deal with Being Unfairly Banned

A player vents about being shadow banned in Warzone, seeking help on how to resolve the issue and expressing frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Having found themselves shadow banned in Warzone, a player takes to Reddit to seek advice on potential solutions after experiencing unexpected gameplay disruptions. The poster, SoftYellowPudding, details their upsetting ordeal of facing bans while playing on PC with mnk, despite lacking cheats or hacks.


  • Shadow banned player seeks help following unexpected online gameplay restrictions.
  • Community offers advice and empathizes with player’s frustrating experience.
  • Posts on Reddit share tips on handling shadow bans in Warzone.

Player’s Frustration

SoftYellowPudding expresses dismay over being shadow banned without any apparent violations, highlighting their efforts to improve gameplay and the sudden hindrance in finding fair lobbies.

Community Support

Users like iznasilio provide guidance on potential unban timelines and advise against falling for scams while navigating the ban appeal process.

Lack of Support

In contrast, others like iznasilio criticize the lack of support and response from customer service, highlighting frustrations with automated email responses.

The Warzone community’s varying responses reflect a mix of sympathy, frustration, and shared experiences in navigating unexpected bans in online gaming.