Warzone Showdown: Love It, Hate It, A Deep Dive into the New Map

Mixed feelings are brewing about the new Warzone map. We break down why players might enjoy or loathe this experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone enthusiasts are buzzing about the new map, with opinions ranging from pure loathing to sheer delight. Panthers05540 who sparked off the discussion, voiced his disdain, finding the excessive rooftop edifices and depressingly desolate top map zone particularly off-putting.


  • For some, the map is an inviting mix of openness and cityscape that allows for varied gameplay strategies.
  • Others feel the bland color palette depresses the will to explore, complaining about the neutral tones dominating the environment.
  • There is a widespread sentiment among the player base about excessive rooftops making gameplay less enjoyable.

The Good, The Bad, and The Rooftops

Our friend Wide-Studio-1523 sees the new Warzone map as a breath of fresh air, with its balance of high-rise buildings and open spaces. He particularly enjoys the top half where the city silhouette seems to blend into the horizon. This stands in contrast to Panthers05540’s perspective, who feels the plethora of rooftops allows for increased camping.

Color Me Meh

Let’s talk colors. Vonblatenberg voices collective sentiment by stating everything seems to have a depressing hue of green or beige, contributing to the overall sense of dreariness. Meanwhile, others find the non-distinctiveness of the various map locales as bland, making it difficult to differentiate between areas.

An Unanswered Call of Duty

Players have also touched upon ‘points of interest’ on the map. Russiannin sums up the general displeasure regarding POIs, feeling they lack distinctiveness and variety that was prevalent in older layouts. The overall vibe, he adds, doesn’t quite change enough between landing sites to maintain intrigue.

Despite a beautifully woven mix of love and hate, the players are immersed in this complex narrative of Warzone’s new map. Will the game designers respond to this outcry and redesign the layout, or will they stand their ground? Only time will tell. This ever-changing world of Warzone continues to captivate us, map after map, taking us on a journey we’re glad to be a part of. Cheers to this never-ending war of zones!