Warzone Stutter Bug: Community Frustration Explodes

Warzone players express frustration over new stutter bug, calling the game unplayable.

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are up in arms over a recent update that introduced a stutter bug to the game, making it nearly unplayable for many.


  • Players are experiencing severe stutter issues post-update, affecting gameplay.
  • Community frustration grows as many find the game unplayable in its current state.
  • Concerns raised over the frequency of updates causing more problems than fixes.

Players’ Reactions

Many players like smarjorie and woestknap describe the stutter bug as disrupting gameplay to the point of being unplayable, affecting essential actions like aiming and combat. They express frustration at the game’s current state, emphasizing the need for a prompt fix.

Game Performance

Comments by players like Allen7707 and gsavage21 highlight how the stutter bug impacts critical moments in the game, such as sudden deaths or teleportation-like movements, leading to a frustrating experience. The issue seems to occur during specific in-game events, exacerbating the problem.

Community Sentiment

SpecificWillow8901’s scathing critique reflects a broader sentiment among players, criticizing various aspects of the game beyond just the stutter bug. The cumulative effect of multiple issues seems to have led to a tipping point for many in the community.