Warzone: Uncovering the Mystery of the Phone in Resurgence

Players of Warzone are puzzled by a mysterious phone that grants cash. What's the deal with this elusive item?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players are baffled by a mysterious phone that grants cash, looted off unsuspecting victims.


  • Players in Warzone stumble upon a phone that rewards cash.
  • The phone’s mechanics involve holding it to accumulate money.
  • There are varied, humorous speculations about the phone’s purpose.

Speculations Galore

Various players have weighed in on the enigmatic phone’s functionality, offering theories and jests. For instance, one player mentions, ‘A cervix,’ in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Another humorously refers to it as the ‘Champagne Room.’

Cash for Victory

Commenters express excitement over the advantageous phone, with one player enthusiastic about picking it up after a win and enjoying the rewards. Another player details the specific location of the phone and its relationship to the Headquarters on Rebirth, emphasizing its cash-generating potential.

Curiosity and Playfulness

Players exhibit curiosity and playfulness in their interactions, with some eagerly awaiting updates on the phone’s identity. The community’s speculation and banter add an engaging layer to the Warzone experience.