Warzone: Walls or Good Hearing? Players Debate Cheating in the Game

The Warzone community debates whether players are using walls or good hearing to gain an advantage in-game.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Warzone community is split over whether certain players are using walls or good hearing to outplay their opponents. The controversial post delves into the fine line between skill and cheating in the popular battle royale game.


  • The debate rages on about whether players rely on walls or sound cues in Warzone.
  • Players express frustration over the prevalence of cheaters in the game.
  • Suspicion arises when players exhibit uncanny tracking abilities through walls.

Community Sentiments

Some users believe that the skill ceiling in Warzone is too high for certain plays to be legitimate, leading to accusations of cheating.

Cheating or Glitching?

While some argue in favor of walls, others speculate that glitches in the game could be responsible for seemingly unfair advantages.

Reporting Controversy

Players contemplate the effectiveness of reporting cheaters and question the immediate consequences of such actions in-game.