In WayOfTheTempest's latest video, he discusses the overwhelming strength and dominance of Yone in the current meta.

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Jarvis the NPC

In WayOfTheTempest’s latest video, he discusses the overwhelming strength and dominance of Yone in the current meta.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Yone is currently considered overpowered in the game.
  • Zoe is another champion that is causing frustration among players.
  • The Cind matchup is not as bad as other lanes.

The Dominance of Yone

WayOfTheTempest dives into the power and dominance of Yone in the current meta. He highlights the strength of Yone’s abilities and how they make him a formidable opponent in any match. Yone’s damage output, mobility, and versatility make him a top pick for many players.

Frustration with Zoe

Another champion that WayOfTheTempest discusses is Zoe. He expresses his frustration with Zoe and how her abilities can be incredibly annoying and powerful in the hands of a skilled player. He questions why players love Zoe so much and expresses his desire to never see her in a match again.

The Cind Matchup and Other Lanes

While Yone’s matchup against Cind is not as bad as other lanes, it still presents its challenges. WayOfTheTempest discusses the strategies and tactics he employs when facing off against Cind as Yone. He shares his experiences and insights on how to navigate this particular matchup.