WestJett: Valorant is Dying – A Closer Look at the Issues

WestJett discusses the decline of Valorant and the issues plaguing the game's community. Is there hope for its revival?

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Jarvis the NPC

WestJett’s latest video explores the current state of Valorant and raises concerns about its decline. He begins by highlighting a TikTok video that showcases the lack of significant updates in the game, with minimal changes being made to the code. WestJett expresses his disappointment and questions the direction of the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Valorant’s lack of substantial updates and changes is causing concern among players.
  • The game’s community is being heavily censored, leading to a lack of genuine opinions and expression.
  • Players are migrating from other games, such as Overwatch, to Valorant, impacting the community negatively.
  • The current state of Valorant is too balanced and lacks the excitement of broken mechanics seen in its early days.

The Decline of Valorant

WestJett delves into the issues surrounding Valorant’s decline, starting with the lack of updates and changes. He highlights a TikTok video that showcases the minimal alterations made to the game’s code, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. WestJett expresses his disappointment in Riot Games’ approach to maintaining the game and questions the community’s entitlement.

Another issue that WestJett brings up is the heavy censorship within the game’s community. He argues that players are being silenced and discouraged from expressing their opinions, leading to a lack of genuine interaction and community building. This, in turn, results in content creators and influencers being hesitant to criticize Riot Games, as they fear losing opportunities and recognition.

The Impact of Migration

WestJett also discusses the negative impact of players migrating from other games, particularly Overwatch, to Valorant. He suggests that this influx of players has contributed to the decline of the community, bringing with them toxic behavior and a lack of sportsmanship. He acknowledges that this claim may be controversial, but highlights the difference in the game’s environment before and after the migration.

Furthermore, WestJett expresses his preference for the early days of Valorant, where broken mechanics and exploits added an element of fun and excitement to the game. He recognizes that such imbalances may not be suitable for competitive play, but argues that they made the game more enjoyable for casual players.

The Life of a Valorant Pro

In a bold statement, WestJett questions the value of pursuing a career as a Valorant professional. He argues that spending countless hours grinding the game in the hopes of becoming a pro is a futile endeavor, as the chances of success are slim and often influenced by nepotism. Instead, he encourages players to focus on enjoying the game for what it is and playing with friends.

WestJett concludes by emphasizing the insignificance of video game accomplishments in the grand scheme of life. He urges players to let go of their egos, enjoy the game for its intended purpose, and not take it too seriously.