What Happened? Unbelievable: Immortals vs. NRG LCS 2024 Summer Week 3 Post-Match Drama

A game filled with action but no kills? Dive into the unbelievable drama of Immortals vs. NRG LCS 2024 Summer Week 3!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans have witnessed an unexpected turn of events in the match between Immortals and NRG during LCS 2024 Summer Week 3.


  • Unusual game with intense action but minimal kills.
  • NRG’s victory spared fans from a potential tiring third game.
  • Amusing comments on players’ performances and strategies.

Insane Gameplay

One user marveled at the game’s action-packed yet kill-less state, highlighting the absurdity of five dragons, eight turrets, and a Baron resulting in a mere 4 kills by the 35-minute mark.

Ongoing Controversy

Some fans voiced mixed feelings about certain players’ performances, with conflicting opinions on Armao’s gameplay and Tactical’s decisions affecting Immortals’ strategy.

Community Reactions

Fans shared witty remarks on the teams’ gameplay, with playful jabs at the NA league’s competitive scene.

This unexpected turn of events sparked heated debates among the community, underlining the unpredictable nature of competitive gaming and the passionate reactions it elicits from fans.