What If Final Fantasy VII Was Developed on the SNES? Fans Debate the Alternate Timeline

What if Final Fantasy VII was on the SNES? Fans discuss how it would 'hit different' in this intriguing Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a parallel universe where Square continued Final Fantasy VII’s development on the SNES, fans speculate how the outcome would differ. Would it have the same impact?


  • Fans debate how FFVII on SNES would affect the game’s charm and visual design.
  • Discussion on the limitations of SNES cartridges versus the PS for game development.
  • Suggestions for watching fan-made demakes of FFVII on the SNES for a nostalgic experience.

The Charm of 2D vs. 3D Models

Fans point out the charm and personality FFVII’s 3D models bring, impossible with 2D sprites, questioning the impact of a SNES version.

Retro Nostalgia vs. Technological Advancements

Debate arises on the balance between nostalgia for 16-bit games and the advancements in visual storytelling achieved through 3D.

Speculation on Development Choices

Insights on the impact of storage space limitations on different consoles and how it shapes game design and narrative depth.

Fan suggestions for 16-bit demakes and desires for a pixel remake of FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX.