WhosImmortal Looks at Warzone Updates Past and Future

WhosImmortal discusses the upcoming changes in Modern Warfare 3 Warzone and the potential for innovative updates.

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Portal Staff

This video by WhosImmortal focuses on the changes and potential updates coming to Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. In the past year, Warzone has seen some positive updates, such as the introduction of ranked play. However, many players, including WhosImmortal, feel that the core mechanics and gameplay dynamics of Warzone 2 were a step back compared to the original Warzone. The past year felt like a trial period, and now with the release of MW3, players are hopeful for new progressive and innovative updates.

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Key Takeaways

  • MW3 Warzone brings the potential for new progressive updates and innovations.
  • Ranked play was a standout update in Warzone 2.
  • Reused features and quality of life updates have been prevalent throughout the past year.
  • Potential updates for Warzone 3 include movement changes, perk system improvements, map interactions, and new LTMs.

Past Year of Warzone Updates

WhosImmortal highlights the repetitive nature of updates in Warzone 2. Many features and quality-of-life updates from the original Warzone were reused in the second version, marketed as new updates. Examples include portable buys, portable redeploys, gas mask updates, and gulag tokens. Additionally, some updates promised for Warzone 2, like portable decontamination stations and floating loot, never made it into the game.

Potential Updates in Warzone

With the release of MW3, Warzone brings the opportunity for progressive updates and innovations. WhosImmortal discusses several potential updates, including movement changes to improve the overall feel of the game. The perk system is being implemented, with some benefits carried over from multiplayer, but there is room for further innovation. Map interactions, such as horizontal ascenders and ledge hanging, offer new ways to navigate the world. Other potential updates include tax stance for close-range fights, a larger skill gap in ranked play, improved loot navigation, backpack innovations, and the introduction of new LTMs.

WhosImmortal expresses optimism for the future of Warzone with the release of MW3. The past year felt like a rebuilding period, but now players can look forward to progressive and innovative updates. While the actual impact of these updates remains to be seen, there is a lot of potential for Warzone to regain its former glory and offer new and exciting gameplay experiences.