Why Apex Legends Players Need to Stop Leaving During a Match

Should Apex Legends players stick around even after they have been knocked? The Reddit community discusses.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends is filled with players who can’t resist hitting that leave button as soon as they take a tumble. But is this really helping anyone or just ruining the fun for everyone else?


  • Players leaving mid-game affects the overall experience and can lead to missed opportunities for victory.
  • Different players have varying reasons for leaving, ranging from impatience to prioritizing kill-death ratios.
  • Implementing penalties for leaving in casual matches could encourage more commitment to the game.

The Perspective on Leaving

Many players defend their decision to leave based on their perceived hopelessness of the situation. Some feel that their time is better spent moving on to a new match rather than waiting around for a potential revival or win.

Rewards vs. Risks

Some argue that the lack of penalties for leaving in casual matches contributes to the high rate of abandonment. Players prioritize personal achievements like kill-death ratios over team success, impacting the overall game dynamics.

Ranked vs. Casual Play

Several commenters suggest playing ranked matches as a solution to the issue of early departures. In ranked play, where teamwork is more common, players are less likely to abandon their squads in crucial moments.

Joining a casual game should mean committing to the full experience, yet many players seem quick to hit the exit button when things don’t go their way. Respawn Entertainment may need to address this behavior to maintain a positive playing environment for all Apex Legends enthusiasts.