Why Blue Ranks Are the Real Deal in Tekken – A Community Perspective

Discover why reaching blue ranks in Tekken is a game-changer according to the community on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Biggatti celebrated hitting blue ranks and joked about finally experiencing ‘real Tekken.’ The community chimed in, sharing their thoughts on the importance of this milestone. Some saw it as a significant achievement, while others poked fun at the idea of blue ranks as the pinnacle of skill.


  • Reaching blue ranks is seen as a pivotal moment in a Tekken player’s journey.
  • Some players believe true Tekken starts at blue ranks, while others view it as just another step.
  • The community is divided on the significance of blue ranks in defining skill levels.

Blue Ranks: A Milestone

Delving into the world of blue ranks reveals a mix of emotions and opinions. Some players like HumanAntagonist emphasize the importance of prowess over rank, suggesting that true skill lies beyond just reaching blue ranks. This sentiment challenges the traditional belief that blue ranks mark the transition to ‘real’ Tekken. On the other hand, numlock86 points out the humor in the ‘real Tekken starts at blue’ meme, highlighting the community’s playful take on rank dynamics.

The Yoshi Factor

Yoshi players, like olbaze and Solmyrion, add a unique perspective to the discussion. Olbaze’s jest about Yoshi players not experiencing ‘real Tekken’ sparks laughter, while Solmyrion’s refusal to use certain moves to avoid bad habits showcases a dedication to continuous improvement. These contrasting views reflect the diversity of playstyles and philosophies within the Tekken community.

Challenges in the Circus

Comments from Lummah and Haru112 shed light on the challenges players face as they climb the ranks. While Lummah humorously describes the chaotic nature of lower ranks before the blue threshold, Haru112 bluntly labels blue ranks as ‘a holes,’ hinting at the competitive intensity encountered in this tier. These contrasting viewpoints capture the spectrum of experiences players encounter on their Tekken journey.

From hilarious anecdotes to insightful reflections, the Reddit community’s engagement with the significance of blue ranks in Tekken showcases the game’s diverse player base and the myriad perceptions surrounding skill and achievement. Whether it’s celebrating milestones or questioning the perceived hierarchy of ranks, players continue to shape the narrative of Tekken’s competitive landscape.