Why Call of Duty Black Ops 1 Reigns Supreme Among Fans

Discover why Call of Duty Black Ops 1 has a special place in fans' hearts and why it outshines the competition.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty Black Ops 1 is a timeless classic that continues to captivate fans with its exhilarating gameplay and unforgettable storyline. The Reddit community recently sparked a debate on whether it truly stands out among the Black Ops series. Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Opinions are split on which Black Ops game reigns supreme, with fans debating the merits of BO1, BO2, and even older titles like WaW.
  • While some prefer BO1 for its overall experience, others argue that BO2 surpasses it in multiplayer gameplay.
  • The absence of certain titles like BO4 in the poll sparked confusion and disappointment among fans.

BO1 vs. BO2: The Great Divide

“Bo1 is probably better overall but bo2 multiplayer > bo1 multiplayer. Also it’s funny that WaW isn’t even a Black Ops game but it’s on here but BO4 isn’t,” shared PowerPamaja, highlighting the debate between the two fan-favorite titles.

BO2: A Contender for the Crown

“BO2’s Multiplayer is the best. But I think it’s zombies is not as good as BO3 and it’s campaign not as good as Infinite Warfare, MW2, MW3, WAW and BO1,” pointed out playerIsaysr69, shedding light on the strengths and weaknesses of BO2 in comparison to its predecessors and successors.

The Missing Piece: BO4

“Where’s BO4? :(” lamented DittoDat, echoing the sentiments of many fans who were surprised by the absence of more recent titles in the poll, raising questions about the selection criteria.

Fan Favorites

“Well as a zombies fan I’m biased but BO3 is my personal fav,” confessed GolemThe3rd, showcasing the personal connections fans have with specific entries in the franchise that go beyond gameplay mechanics.

“BO2 is instantly disqualified due to Tranzit,” declared AJ_from_Spaceland, emphasizing how specific features or experiences can heavily influence fans’ perceptions of a game.