Why Call of Duty Fans Miss Choosing Loadouts: A Look Back at BO2

BO2 allowed players to choose loadouts in campaign, a feature fans miss in recent entries. Will we see its return in BO6?

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty fans are reminiscing about the days of being able to choose their loadouts in the campaign, specifically looking back at BO2. This unique feature added a layer of customization and strategy that many players enjoyed.


  • Players fondly remember the ability to customize loadouts in BO2’s campaign.
  • Some express confusion and disappointment over the feature not being present in more recent Call of Duty games.
  • Community hopes for the return of loadout customization in future Call of Duty titles.

Player Nostalgia for Loadout Customization

Many users share positive sentiments towards the feature, with one stating, “Absolutely the best addition to any COD campaign. Shame it never got carried over to later games other than BO3.” The ability to tailor loadouts enhanced gameplay experience and replayability for fans.

Differing Opinions on Loadout Customization

While some express admiration for loadout customization, others like ‘Infinit777’ share a different perspective, finding the feature less enjoyable. They mention, ‘It was a feature I wish they would have done without.’ This highlights the varying preferences within the community.

Hopes for the Future

Looking ahead, users like ‘playerlsaysr69’ express optimism, saying, ‘I really hope Raven can allow us this in BO6.’ The community’s desire for this feature to return demonstrates the impact it had on players and their engagement with the game.

As fans continue to reflect on the past, the anticipation of potential future developments in Call of Duty remains high. The nostalgia for the customization options in BO2 serves as a testament to the lasting impact of innovative features on the gaming community.