Why Diablo Fans Want More In-Game Events – A Look at Reddit Discussions

Diablo fans on Reddit discuss the need for more in-game events to keep gameplay exciting and engaging. Find out what they suggest here.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans are buzzing with ideas on how to spice up the game with more events. User ObbeXD suggests bringing back goblins for a weekend event with double loot and chances. Others chime in with creative event concepts.


  • Players crave more in-game events to enhance gameplay.
  • Ideas range from goblin weekends to themed events like gems or angel breath farming.
  • Community members reminisce about past enjoyed events like Midwinter and Lunar celebrations.

Player Suggestions for Events

Many users support the idea of recurring events similar to goblin weekends for added excitement. User insan3ity proposes a voting system to influence boon or bane weekends, emphasizing player agency and variety in gameplay.

Event Variety and Impact

Slow_Ad3952 shares detailed event proposals, such as gem farming and angel breath events, reflecting players’ desire for diverse activities. The community appreciates past cosmetic events like Midwinter for their enjoyable content.

Community Responses

While some like dbe14 laud the fun of goblin events, others like Whoopy2000 express concern about events turning the game into an FOMO-centric MMO. Balancing event frequency and meaningful content is crucial for player satisfaction.

Diablo enthusiasts are eager for a more dynamic gameplay experience through engaging events that offer unique rewards and memorable moments. By incorporating diverse event types and maintaining a balance between excitement and consistency, the game can cater to a broad range of player preferences and keep the community invested in the long run.