Why Diablo Fans Want More Versatile Weapon Options for Sorcerers and Necromancers

Diablo fans on Reddit push for Sorcerers and Necromancers to carry dual sets of weapons for better gameplay balance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans are truly a passionate bunch, always looking for ways to improve their favorite game. Recently, a Reddit post has sparked a heated discussion among players regarding the feasibility of allowing Sorcerers and Necromancers to wield both sets of weapons. The idea of carrying a 2h staff or scythe along with a wand or sword, coupled with the ability to set spells for each weapon, has garnered mixed reactions from the community.


  • Players advocate for more versatility in weapon choices for Sorcerers and Necromancers to enhance gameplay balance.
  • Some believe expanding equipment options would lead to a more varied and exciting gameplay experience.
  • Others argue for class-specific buffs rather than conforming all classes to a Barbarian playstyle.

Positive Vibes

One user expressed, “Sorc and Necro are my mains and I want this so bad. The options it gives for fun builds would be insane, and I don’t think I’d ever play anything else.”

Another player suggested, “An even amount of aspects across all characters would make the game significantly better.”

Mixed Feelings

While some players see the potential for exciting new builds, others are cautious about deviating too far from the core gameplay. A user highlighted, “But that might make them fun” – Blizzard.

Many fans are intrigued by the idea of Sorcerers having more ring slots for additional customization but are wary of potential balance issues.

Barbarian Dominance

Some users feel that classes like Sorcerers should focus more on resource management rather than stacking damage output. They advocate for enhancing each class’s unique mechanics instead of homogenizing the gameplay to mimic Barbarians.

It’s clear that Diablo fans are deeply invested in the future of the game and are eager to see how developers address their concerns and suggestions. As the community continues to provide feedback, it will be interesting to observe how these discussions influence the evolution of Diablo 4.