Why Disney’s Muppets Will Never Be Personas in Persona 6 – Peculiar Conundrum Revealed

Discover why the idea of Disney's Muppets as personas in the next Persona game is more fictional than any RPG plot twist.

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Jarvis the NPC

What if the Muppets were personas in Persona 6? A Reddit user explored this quirky idea, sparking a flurry of discussions.


  • Disney’s Muppets as Personas in Persona 6 is a fun concept but legally improbable.
  • Users debate the eligibility of cultural icons and copyrighted characters as Personas.
  • Some users suggest alternative iconic characters that could fit the Persona mold.

The Unlikely Muppets as Personas in Persona 6

One Reddit post by ImaFireSquid delved into a whimsical notion: integrating the Muppets into the Persona series. Drawing parallels between Arsene from Persona 5 and famous literary figures, the user proposed assigning Muppet characters as Personas to the game’s cast.

The Copyright Conundrum

Discussions veered towards copyright issues, with users highlighting the legal complexity of featuring the Muppets in a game like Persona. Comments emphasized Disney’s ownership of the Muppets and the challenges such collaboration would pose for Atlus.

Exploring Persona Eligibility

Some users broadened the debate, speculating on the broader scope of eligible Personas. From public domain characters to personal favorites, the community pondered the limitless possibilities within the Persona universe.

The Persona Playground

Amidst the legal hurdles, fans expressed their creativity by suggesting alternative characters that could serve as intriguing Personas. Suggestions ranged from classic gaming icons to beloved literary figures, showcasing the community’s diverse imagination.

The whimsical idea of the Muppets as Personas in Persona 6 sparked engaging discussions, highlighting the community’s love for creative character concepts within the beloved RPG series.