Why Do People Hate Tick in Brawl Stars: Exploring Community Sentiments

The divisive robot in Brawl Stars: Tick. Some love him, others loathe him. What's the deal?

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the polarizing opinions surrounding the quirky robot, Tick, in Brawl Stars. Love him or hate him, everyone has an opinion on this bomb-throwing machine!


  • Tick: A love-hate relationship in the Brawl Stars community
  • Players find Tick both annoying and endearing
  • His unique gameplay style sparks debates on his appeal

Insights on Tick

Despite his cute appearance, Tick’s gameplay can be frustrating for many players. His ability to deal high damage while being hard to deal with annoys some, sparking a love-hate relationship within the community.

The Divisive Robot

Some players appreciate Tick for his strategic value, citing his effectiveness in certain game modes. However, others express frustration with his playstyle, finding him to be a source of irritation and unfair advantage.

Community Opinions

Opinions on Tick vary greatly, with some players appreciating his uniqueness while others despise his mechanics. The debate on whether Tick is a fun addition to the game or a source of annoyance rages on within the Brawl Stars community.