Why Does My Aim Suck in Valorant? Tips to Improve Your Aim in Competitive

Struggling with your aim in Valorant? Learn how to improve your game and dominate in competitive matches.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant players often find themselves frustrated by their aim in competitive mode. One player, AnyCyberFace49, reached out to the Valorant subreddit seeking advice on why their aim seemed to suffer during ranked matches compared to their performance in casual games. They shared their experience of hitting headshots easily in Tim (presumably referring to the training mode) but struggling to hit even body shots in competitive matches with friends. AnyCyberFace49 had a KD of 0.6 and wanted to know how to improve their aim in competitive matches.


  • Some players suggested that the poor aim could be due to a mental block, with worrying about aim leading to a decline in performance.
  • Others advised practicing and improving aim over time through online guides and resources.
  • The psychological factor of panic and adrenaline during clutch situations in ranked matches can affect accuracy and performance.
  • Suggestions were made to focus on good fundamentals like crosshair placement, movement, and warmups, rather than solely aiming.

Tips for Improving Your Aim in Competitive:

1. Overcoming Mental Blocks: One user, G_O_O_G_A_S, pointed out that worrying about aim during matches can negatively impact performance. It’s important to let rounds flow naturally without fixating on past or future outcomes. Focus on the present and your current aim.

2. Practice and Guides: Top_Sun_1975 recommended watching YouTube guides for improving aim, such as Woohoojin’s month to gold video. Aim is something that improves over time, so consistent practice and learning from experienced players can be beneficial.

3. Psychological Factors: RiptideJaxon mentioned the psychological factor of panic and adrenaline during clutch situations. It’s crucial to remember that Valorant is just a game and not to let nerves affect your performance. Check your tension and compare your relaxed state in unrated matches to the pressure you feel in ranked games.

4. Focus on Fundamentals: zapatodeorina advised warming up with good fundamentals like crosshair placement, clearing, peeking, and movement. Aiming is not the only factor for success in Valorant. Pay attention to other important aspects of gameplay as well.

Unraveling the Aim Dilemma:

Valorant’s competitive mode can be a double-edged sword when it comes to aim improvement. The pressure and stakes of ranked matches can take a toll on a player’s aim due to mental blocks and psychological factors. While practice and guides can help in developing better aim over time, players should also focus on the fundamentals of the game beyond just aiming. Crosshair placement, movement, and strategic decisions are equally significant in achieving success. Remember, it’s not just about hitting headshots, but also about overall gameplay and game sense.